Myths of Happiness (part 2) “I would be happy if ________________.” At least that is the thought. Some times we remember when we were truly happy and think that the only way to recapture that feeling is to recapture the exact same set of circumstances. ...
Have you ever known someone who was happy all the time? It’s not that they don’t “go through” the same stuff everyone one else “goes through” but they seem anchored to happiness, composed, less troubled in the world’s Café...
“[Henny] was funny but he was wrong. One study has shown that those who were happy as college freshmen had higher salaries sixteen years later (when they were in their mid-thirties without an initial wealth advantage.” (quote from Lyuobomirsky/ Study by...
Emergenetics Applications deliver a full solution to companies looking to apply Emergenetics insight to their day-to-day operations. Added available disciplines and tools include leadership training, teamwork and communication seminars, performance appraisal and...
The happiest people in the world have their fair share of stressors, stress triggers and tragedies. They do, however, have a secret weapon which is found in their anchoring poise, strength and connection to optimism, hope and gratitude. Happiness is not a search for...