3 Ways To Push Your Team To Be More Productive Without Being A Tyrant

Does Money Make You Happy?

According to Doris Kearn Goodwin’s book, Ordinary Times, in 1940 one third of all homes had no running water, indoor toilets, bathtubs or showers and more than 50% had no central air or heat.  My dear sweet Dad told a story from the 1930’s when his family (my Mema, Pa...
3 Ways To Push Your Team To Be More Productive Without Being A Tyrant

Myth #3: You’re Either Happy Or You’re Not

A client of mine was describing his life long struggle with stress and his infrequent bouts with happiness.  He “wished” that happiness was something that could be built like a house.  Turns out…it can be. Even if you have some genetic predisposition...