Assertiveness can get a bad rap these days. Pop culture embraces over-the-top characters like Donald Trump, whereas quiet business tycoon Warren Buffet rarely gets mentioned. Both are successful business men and clearly both get things done, but how they go about their business couldn’t be any more different

That’s because assertiveness is more complex than what you may think. More importantly, there are strengths to be found on both sides of the coin (and somewhere in the middle).

Leaders on the driving end of the Assertiveness spectrum tend to embrace confrontation, they can inspire and motivate others because of their drive, measure their own success by the completion of tasks, and are focused and determined once a decision has been made.

Leaders on the easygoing end of the Assertiveness spectrum tend to be more welcoming and accessible, their presence can be reassuring, they are active listeners, and are pragmatic in the way they share their thoughts and opinions.

Self-awareness is the first factor in the leadership equation. A deeper level of trust is developed when a leader is genuine and constant in their actions.

But leadership is about creating a sum that’s greater than the whole of its parts. Leaders can magnify the power of understanding and awareness by making a deliberate effort to coach others in a manner that corresponds with their specific strengths.

How do you do that?  We’ve got insights to help you identify what kind of behaviors your team members exhibit and how to lead them accordingly.

Clues that you’re working with a peacekeeper
•Uncomfortable with confrontational interaction
•Reflects questions away from themselves and does not immediately volunteer their opinion
•Learns by listening to others

Tips for managing a team of peacekeepers:
•Take the time to listen to their ideas and exhibit collaboration
•Keep your voice even-toned
•Allow them to complete tasks at their own pace
•Make an effort to speak to them during breaks
•Plan small group activities where they have the opportunity to shine

Clues that you’re working with a driver:
•Willingly voice opinions and concern
•Thrives in debate type situations
•Prefers a fast pace

Tips for managing a team of drivers:
•Cut to the chase and make information relevant
•Show that you’re in control by giving directions
•Set defined goals and deadlines and give them the power to meet them
•Allow for friendly competition

Whether your people are driving new ideas or facilitating consensus of ideas within the group, both sides are equally important and both ways are Assertively getting things done.

And this is one more way to reinforce the power of a WE Team (where all Emergenetics attributes are present). As a leader, the more you can understand your team, the more you can harness their differences for higher levels of performance.

Thanks to Mark Miller for the post.