Making A Contribution Part 2

Making A Contribution Part 2

Part 2  Make A Contribution…Shift In Thought Think about it…we have all played games all of our life.  We have played Monopoly, Life, Baseball, Football and a host of other games and sports.  All of these activities have invented rules to create drama and fun and...
Making A Contribution Part 2

Make A Contribution

I have a coffee mug that I received years ago from a  group called Hope Worldwide.  On the navy blue mug was a picture of a starfish with the inscription, “Make A Difference”.  The story of the starfish as I recall goes a little somethin’ like this. ...
Give Yourself (and others) an A+

Give Yourself (and others) an A+

I walked into my Economics course at the University of Georgia and my professor, Dr. DeLorme drew a bell curve on the blackboard and then introduced himself.  He explained that the bell curve represented the grades we would all make in his Macro Economics course.  He...
Give Yourself (and others) an A+

A Gitterdun Job Posting

Based on response from the Kumbaya and Gitterdun’s article from yesterday, I thought I would post a job description from the Gitterduns that you might enjoy. Have fun with it.    Any resemblance to actual job offerings is purely coincidental. “Job Posting We are...
Give Yourself (and others) an A+

To Which Tribe Do You Belong…the Kumbayas or the Gitterduns?

Imagine for a moment that there are only two tribes of people in the world.  They are the Kumbayas and the “GitterDuns”.    The Kumbayas are all into emotional tranquility, the “feel good”, the mountain top experience, the dreams and the wishes.  The Gitterduns are...