The happiest people in the world have their fair share of stressors, stress triggers and tragedies. They do, however, have a secret weapon which is found in their anchoring poise, strength and connection to optimism, hope and gratitude. Happiness is not a search for...
Deep in the American psyche is the notion that we must pursue happiness. That is, that the pursuit of happiness is necessary to finding it. In other words, it is a treasure that one must seek to ever have a chance of experiencing it. Happiness “isn’t a knock of good...
The WindRiver Strategies’ Coaching Approach For many years traditional psychology has focused on how to make ill people well by finding clinically validated methods to help “fix us”. I have immense respect for this field and those who have dedicated their lives...
National Geographic has a documentary on stress entitled, “Stress: Portrait of a Killer”. It highlights the work of Stanford University professor, Robert Sapolsky who has studied “stress” for much of his career. The doctor describes, “…The...
WindRiver Strategies delivers organizational development plans with relational elements key to the approach. We build on these interactional and relationship-oriented aspects to concentrate on providing results that help businesses operate to their highest...
Happiness at work doesn’t just boost morale, it leads to better reviews, faster promotion, fatter salaries and higher productivity. For Jackie Donovan, director of marketing and merchandising at Fairway Market, coming to the office every morning is a joy,...