Putting Team Building into Action

Kevin McDaniel (WindRiver Strategies) works with our clients to develop a tailored approach to achieving clear and desired outcomes. Our intent is to create a partnership with our clients in a thought provoking and innovative process grounded in the latest “team science” to inspire sustainable and invigorating business growth.  To this end, we assist our clients in identifying: 1) their constraints to growth  and 2) natural paths to achieving priorities.  Team building is critical to delivering these results and we use powerful technology, Emergenetics, to move our clients forward.

Case Study

Emergenetics International teamed with Western Union to develop a customized team development program—Building Leaders. Shaping Results.—that combined leadership development with team building and objective setting.

The program took managers and team leads throughout the company and put them through a six-month training and development process, all geared around Emergenetics, that was designed to bring them several baseline results:

 A clear understanding and strategy for meeting and exceeding individual and team goals based on each team’s unique thinking and behavioral approach.
 A model to build stronger work teams based on Emergenetics collaboration strategies.
 A linkage between individual goals and company-wide objectives, and a plan to meet both.

“Historically, HR professionals struggle with articulating the business case for addressing Teamwork—Emergenetics provides the science and the data behind teamwork, moving it from ‘feel-good HR stuff’ to a business advantage and tool for results.” – Wendy Boyer, Talent Management, Western Union

The Results – New Insights for Your Team

The Emergenetics Team Audit is the first step in better understanding the assets at your disposal. It gives leaders and team members a deeper, baseline knowledge about where the team stands and how to improve.

With Kevin McDaniel (WindRiver Strategies) and Emergenetics, it’s all about finding the strategy for maximizing performance—and that strategy is shaped first by the people involved.

Optimal team performance starts with the right mix of people. A successful team is a diverse team, where strong cognitive and creative differentiation, different behavioral tendencies and mixed approach to solving problems propels team performance.

To find out more about team building, team development and growing team performance, register here.