More women in the workplace boosts empathy and flexibility, too. Women now make up 50 percent of America’s workforce. More women than men graduate from college and earn advanced degrees. As a woman who started a business and got a Ph.D. while raising three sons,...
You’ll get better results if you understand and calibrate your assertiveness style. I recently had a conversation with Eric, a manager at a large manufacturing company in the Midwest. Normally a very peacekeeping, congenial person, he told me how, upon becoming...
Creating a strong sense of purpose will drive your company’s growth. I see this exemplified each and every day. Case in point: I was on a call the other day when my colleague, Nikki, walked in and confidently held up a sticky note with a number written on it....
Employee engagement is a topic that has come up again and again recently on The Emergenetics Blog. It’s not surprising since there are many factors and techniques that contribute to employee engagement….and subsequently many topics for writing. And while commonly we...
“…If you hold a seed of any kind in your hand, you recognize that there is great potential inside of it…if you take care of it. People are the same way. There is great potential inside of everyone, and great leaders help bring it out in four ways:...