Does Money Really Affect Motivation? (4)

“…Employees who are intrinsically motivated are three times more engaged than employees who are extrinsically motivated (such as by money).” The second article is a recent study by Yoon Jik Cho and James Perry. The authors analyzed real-world data...
Does Money Really Affect Motivation? (3)

Does Money Really Affect Motivation? (3)

“But that doesn’t answer the question: does money actually demotivate? Some have argued it does, that there is a natural tension between extrinsic and intrinsic motives, and that financial rewards can ultimately depress or “crowd out” intrinsic goals (e.g.,...
Does Money Really Affect Motivation? (3)

Does Money Really Affect Motivation? (2)

Does Money Really Affect Motivation? (1) In addition, a cross-cultural comparison revealed that the relationship of pay with both job and pay satisfaction is pretty much the same everywhere (for example, there are no significant differences between the U.S., India,...
Does Money Really Affect Motivation? (3)

Does Money Really Affect Motivation? (1)

by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, Harvard Business Review How much should people earn? Even if resources were unlimited, it would be difficult to stipulate your ideal salary. Intuitively, one would think that higher pay should produce better results, but scientific evidence...
Does Money Really Affect Motivation? (3)

Brain-Based Secret To Getting More Done

by Geil Browning, Emergenetics /INC Magazine By now, you’ve probably already broken most of your New Year’s resolutions. You’re not alone: Only about 8 percent of those who make them keep them. But it may not be that you’ll never lose weight or...