What’s the biggest challenge managers in your organization face? It’s probably not tied to subject matter expertise. Research shows it’s more likely the human element of management—how a manager motivates, communicates and responds to conflict, change and stress. PWC...
A good friend and client was making a presentation to his “boss” and as he was making what he thought were the more profound points the “boss” started looking away at her computer screen and answering email. To say the least, my friend was livid but kept it under...
National Geographic has a documentary on stress entitled, “Stress: Portrait of a Killer”. It highlights the work of Stanford University professor, Robert Sapolsky who has studied “stress” for much of his career. The doctor describes, “…The...
“Whatever any man does he must first do in his mind, whose machinery is the brain. The mind can do only what the brain is equipped to do, and so man must first find out what kind of brain he has before he can understand his own behavior.” (Luce and Segel, Sleep) We...
Psychology 2: Choice…Increasing Productivity through Choice and Collaboration So, as we concluded in Part 4a of this series, is work or the “boss” or your fellow employees in your quality world? Chances are that there are “select people” at work that you include in...