A survey in 2011 by Monster.com revealed that an overwhelming 98 percent of American workers who are employed are actually dissatisfied with their “jobs”. Yes…that means depending on the accuracy of the survey that only 2% were satisfied. 66% of the respondents had given up on their current company and wanted “a new job with a new employer.” Consider this: many who make up the 98% have already changed their company and career in an attempt to number among the 2%-ers yet remain dissatisfied.

Chief executives appropriately rank business growth as their greatest challenge but realize that holding on to their talent at all levels in the organization is critical to enduring and consistent progress.  What sustains the C-Suite?  Well, there is no one answer but according to The Conference Board CEO Challenge 2011…CEOs want what we all want…inspiration.

For years satisfaction issues “on the job” have been addressed with monetary reward, an assortment of fiscal benefits, mission & vision statements, career advancement, mentoring, praise, recognition, interest in staff beyond the paycheck, ongoing training, open communication, company gatherings and more.  Certainly, all of these have a place and providing a better “work environment/offering” than your competition is a powerful stance in any industry.  However, it is rare for any organization to provide personal development strategies that motivate their people to re-create and inspire themselves…right now, where they are.  It is equally uncommon for individuals who live “too busy”, “so slammed” and “in the rat race” to take the time to proactively invest in their own professional refreshment.

Re-Invigorate Your Career (1)
Re-Invigorate Your Career (2): Practical Steps

WindRiver Strategies delivers a coaching program that enables our clients to:

  • Re-Invigorate your desire for professional effectiveness and productivity
  • Re-Discover personal dynamism and satisfaction
  • Re-Create a fulfilling career path
  • Re-Energize your career and life dreams