Kevin McDaniel with Kevin McDaniel (WindRiver Strategies) delivered a self-development program for Peachtree Orthopaedic Clinic (POC) in Buckhead last week.  Maria Sanders, CFO described Mr. McDaniel after an internal POC assessment of the day as “the superstar of Buckhead.”

The progam entitled, “The Art of Possibility: Creating the Life of Your Dreams…Even at Work” addressed:
1. How we create life experience through our own internal narrative, stories and beliefs.
2. How our Thinking and Behavioral Attributes affect our choices, outcomes and enjoyment at work.

The program was filled with science based content purposed to help individuals enjoy their life…even at work.  It was accentuated by various interactive “games” demonstrating the application of these principles and the power  they have to improve the enjoyment and productivity of our lives.

Participants in the Staff Retreat described it using these words:

“Awesome fun, encouragement and laughs”   “Very engaging”  “Loved it; it was fun”   “Very positive thinking” “Very insightful; very high spirited”   “Great job, loved it”   “Way to get us involved”   “Extraordinary, great speaker”   “Awesome breath of fresh air”   “Motivated the group to look outside the box”  “100%”   “Very funny as stress relief”   “Interesting methods of delivery, enjoyable”   “Great energy”

“Would love to have the slides, more info on emergenetics”
“Love him, need him at every meeting at POC”
Very dynamic, will help at home and at work. Let’s do a weekend course.”