It’s one of those questions many job-seekers dread during an interview, but it can be daunting to answer on a personal level, as well. Amid all your demands, activities and projects, it’s frequently difficult to see the big picture and simple to be overwhelmed or feel like you need direction.

That’s where a life coach can come in.  Life coaches can specialize in areas like relationships, careers or personal growth. They promise to motivate, offer support when clients need a boost in confidence and help them decide which direction to take.

It would be great if we could all figure this out for ourselves, but we live in such a complex time that most of us need all the help we can get.  Whether we can admit it or not, we were made needing others.

A big part of the process is discerning where you are in life and where you want to be.  A life coach will assist you in putting the pieces of this puzzle together in a way tailored specifically for you.  A professional coach will help you get “unstuck” so that you can put logical next steps together.

I talk to people all the time who have their dreams swirling in their minds but have not pulled it altogether and looked at it with clarity, connected with it profoundly and detailed steps that get them well on their way to living “the dream”.  People need someone to help them take the dreams they have in their heads or the vision of what they want to do next with their lives and do the work to make them a real.”

Don’t expect a therapy session when you meet with an executive life coach. While some have a background in counseling, the process is different.

A Life Coach Could Help You With:

  • Setting and achieving goals and objectives
  • Achieving without the customary stress
  • Creating natural paths to success
  • Planning — business, career and life
  • Blasting through blocks and fears
  • Clearing clutter
  • Financial security and independence
  • Balancing business and personal life
  • Making key decisions and designing strategies for success
  • Communicating powerfully and succinctly
  • Becoming a problem-free zone
  • Building powerful relationships
  • Breaking through the glass ceiling
  • Getting promoted
  • Finding the ideal career/work or business
  • Finding the ideal partner/love/relationship
  • Getting out of a rut
  • Making an important life transition
  • Starting a business
  • Growing a business
  • Living an ideal life
  • Identifying core values and passions
  • Fulfilling personal and emotional needs
  • Getting organized
  • Making more money
  • Having loads more time to enjoy life
  • Playing, having adventures, and a lot more fun!
  • And much, much more…