Kevin McDaniel (WindRiver Strategies) delivers “The Meeting of the Minds” Program in a 1-day, highly interactive workshop that meshes Emergenetics insights with your business needs, through the Emergenetics Profile. It’s a multifaceted approach focused on building knowledge, fostering understanding and bolstering organizational capacity.

This program focuses on facilitating increased understanding through personal knowledge of how thinking and behavior affect the work environment—including productivity, team effectiveness and creativity.  With this session organizations immediately see a new way to group individuals as teams that has been scientifically proven to provide better results.

With the critical focus for the Meeting of the Minds session on uncovering greater self-awareness and translating that knowledge into a more effective approach to communicating with others, we’ve discovered, in the more than 20 years of conducting this program, that there are clear personal and business benefits.

Individuals within the session experience:
• Insight into how they think and behave
•Understanding and knowledge of their colleagues
• Hands-on team-building exercises on communication, motivation, efficiency, and more.
• Brain science and research that ties learning into real, measurable scientific data

As an organization, you’ll experience:
• A foundation for working more effectively and productively.
•A new viewpoint to understand business challenges
•Communication strategies
• More creative teams
• Reduced conflict

The Meeting of the Minds session also underscores the ability for organizations to harness cognitive diversity to come up with new solutions to the same old challenges.  It’s a revolutionary approach—working through your people—to gain incredible results…and on a business level it means ROI.