As we get ready to bid farewell to 2013, it’s time to look forward to the year ahead. What can you do to grow your business and make 2014 even more successful than 2013?  WindRiver Strategies delivers coaching using Emergenetics as one of its several platforms.  Below is an example of “how to have a successful year from an Emergenetics point of view.

Check out the tips below on how to approach planning for the New Year from an Emergenetics perspective.

“Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.”  – Brad Paisley

Thinking Attributes

•Write down your goals. They’re 33% more likely to happen.
•Establish a metric system to track and evaluate sales growth.
•Create a database for measuring client contribution to your growth. Identify clients who could contribute more to your bottom line through additional points of sale.
•Research conferences and networking opportunities. Create a list comparing the audience, cost, and potential benefits.

•Schedule time each month to follow up with clients who haven’t ordered in a while.
•Identify growth opportunities for each client and write out a client “life cycle”- what does that process look like after the Profile? Set a reminder to reach out to them at each point in the life cycle.
•Create a conference & networking calendar to ensure a balanced effort is being made each month.
•Take time to plan out projects for the next 12-24 months by establishing a timeline, resources needed and budget. Review upcoming goals and projects each quarter to stay ahead of the game.

•Who is your biggest fan? How can you leverage them to introduce you to potential new clients?
•Ask your clients about conferences and networking events.
•Be sure to connect with clients on social media.
•Send Profile anniversary gifts – and a suggestion for a next step
•Be a person of influence- share the Emergenetics blog with people who have asked for help on that topic.

•Have a vision for your business in 2014. What does that growth map look like?
•Set one BHAG- Big Hairy Audacious Goal (aim high and make it happen!)
•Start a networking group for idea sharing; meet in a new or unique location each time.
•Think of one additional product or service you could offer clients in the New Year.

Behavioral Attributes
•Create a periodic newsletter with news, upcoming events and reflections for your business.
•Seek out speaking engagement opportunities in fields which you are a subject matter expert.

•Start a journal to keep track of ideas.  Reflect half way through the year and evaluate which ideas should be turned into action plans.
•Set quarterly goals for business growth.  Reward yourself for meeting/exceeding set goals.

•Select a trait you’d like to become a habit.  Set a goal to make it a daily ritual for 30, 60 or 90 days.  Pretty soon it will become part of your regular routine.
•Change up your work environment, whether it’s a new route to the office, rearranging an office space or a new coffee cup.  A new perspective may be waiting for you on the other side!

Have a great 2014!

Thanks go to Mark Miller, Emergenetics for article content.