“As great as you think you are, nobody can nail prioritization 100% of the time.” Scott Belsky

An estimated $450 billion are lost annually due to people not being immersed in the task at hand.

First, let’s understand the Emergenetics metaphor. There are 4 Thinking and 3 Behavioral attributes.  We will go one by one to put some meaningful but light definition around each concept.

The Four Thinking Preferences Are:

  • Analytical
  • Structural
  • Social
  • Conceptual

At WindRiver Strategies we recognize that investment made to create collaborative, higher morale teams must result in higher productivity.  Did you know that research shows that multi-tasking makes us less effective and increases mistakes?  At some level you have likely suspected this and observed it. Our brains aren’t necessarily wired to be productive in the way that work happens today.

So what is a person to do? Here’s our top tips for maximizing your time based on your own thinking and behaving preferences.  Enjoy the series!

Today we will define the Analytical Thinking Attribute. and also provide some productivity tips. Analytical Thinking (represented by the color blue) is:

  • Logical,
  • Rational,
  • Objective,
  • Factual, and
  • Skeptical.

This part of the brain is excellent at rational, clearheaded problem-solving.  When the analytical mind is intrigued, it perseveres until all its questions are answered.

“Prove to me that this is effective?” is a question the Analytical Brain frequently asks.

#1 Tip for Analytical Thinkers

Don’t stop analyzing. That is what you enjoy and what will help you come to the right decisions, but prioritize your analysis to ensure things are moving forward. Don’t get stuck in analysis paralysis.

Additional Tips

  • Determine the most difficult or complex task and get that out of the way first.
  • Try not to jump to conclusions immediately. It is important to weigh all options for efficiency.
  • Seek trusted resources and subject matter experts.
  • Use technology to organize and keep on task.