When you have a few minutes, play the you tube video  in the right column (Hold Us Together by Matt Maher).  It’s a cool song with a cool message…love will hold us together.

Here’s a few verses from the Bible that describe “love”. ( I Cor 13)  I have also added some responses below the verses from a Yahoo survey on “Why is Love so Important?”  What do you think?

I Cor 13:4-8  “4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  8 Love never fails.”

The Question Proposed

“ok this may seem like a stupid question but hear me out.
many times in my life I come across people who say that love is everything to them, that they long for someone to love and someone to love them in return, and that without love life is meaningless and they wouldn’t want to live in a world without love, etc. etc.

whenever I meet these people or come across these kinds of ideas I get.. confused. don’t get me wrong, I love my family very much, I have a boyfriend who I love and spend everyday with, but even so, I’d never get to the point where I’d say.. “love” was it. the be all and end all. love was always just an emotion to me, like sadness, or fear, a big part of life to be sure but never the main cog… figuring it out was more important to me. why we’re here, the existance of God, and so on.. those things seem infinitely more important than me falling in love or anything like that. it puzzles me that people can get so obsessed with it. so why is love so important?”

A Few Yahoo Answer

  1. …you put love before yourself!
  2. Love in important in a relationship–without, all you have is a glorified friendship. BUT obsessing over it and yearning for it isn’t healthy–that will lead a person to find love in places where it isn’t. That’s where you find the couples who divorce after 2 years of marriages. That’s where you find relationships fall apart.Love is very important in a relationship, but so is communication, trust, honesty, etc.
  3. “Why we’re here” and “the existence of God” is tied to the concept of love.In Christianity, love is not just an emotion but is a different state of being where the boundaries between self and the beloved become blurred. To truly love is in the realm of the supernatural and it requires God to exist. Only through God our Father can we see others as true brothers and sisters.Christians believe that we find God when we attempt to obey His command to love our neighbor for where love is, there God is also. We find God and experience God through our experience with others. Finding God, experiencing God and allowing God to transform us into His sons and daughters is why we’re here. Source(s): “Where Love Is, There God Is Also” is a short story by the great Russian author, Leo Tolstoy. He tells us how we ought to live. It is on the internet at: http://www1.umn.edu/lol-russ/PopLit/wher…
  4. I really don’t know why people say it is so important. This is how I see things:

> Emotions get in the way of logical thinking.
> Logical thoughts help progress mankind.
> Love is an emotion.

So with these three statements one could see that Love gets in the way of progressing mankind. But I guess people could say that, people only progress mankind because they love mankind.

At least we know it is important enough for you to ask this question.