(Skip the intro if you have already read it.)
I am going to repeat the introduction with each submission for those who join the series in midstream.  Here we go…Most, not all, have a negative drift in how we approach life.  That is, if left alone or to our own devices, we move towards seeing and feeling things negatively.  Affirmations are intentional ways of intervening and retraining the mind.  By deliberately re-framing a life situation to affirm the possibilities, we can change our mood, our thoughts, our behavior and even our beliefs.  Change your beliefs about a given life circumstance and you change your life.  As a Life Coach, I am constantly helping people see their negative beliefs as “make believe”.   There are so many great, positive, faith filled and healthy possibilities in every challenging life situation.  Choose one of those to believe and act.

Affirmations are great tools that can help you overcome fear, build your confidence, develop an abundance mind-set (John 10:10) and more.  The problem is that many people aren’t sure exactly how to write effective affirmations.  Do they always have to be in present tense?  Can they contain “negative” words like can’t, won’t, not, and so on?

There are plenty of differing opinions on the right and wrong ways to write effective affirmations, but the bottom line is that an affirmation can be considered effective if it works for YOU!  The whole point of affirmations is to shift your thoughts and emotions to a more positive place so you feel more confident, happy, secure, abundant, or anything else you’re trying to accomplish.  Frankly, the same skill set that creates negative, faithless thinking is the same skill set used to create affirmations.  If you have been talented in being your “own worst enemy” then you can also be a very good friend to yourself.

Stay tuned for the sample affirmations that are coming through this blog.  Feel free to use them if they resonate with you.  If not, try altering them slightly until they trigger the mind-set and emotional state you’re trying to attain.

If you like these affirmations then check out www.themindofchrist.net.

Affirmations for Inner Clarity:

  • Today I awaken to God’s wisdom…my higher wisdom.
  • The Holy Spirit guides me in every moment.
  • I am centered, calm and clear.
  • I always know the right actions to achieve my goals.
  • When I know where I’m going, getting there is a cinch!
  • Today, I am completely tuned in to God.
  • Harmony is always a sign that I am balanced in my walk with God and relationship to this world.
  • Thank you for showing me the way to my dreams.
  • I trust my feelings and insights.
  • I am detached and open to divine guidance.