With relational elements key to the Profile, Kevin McDaniel (WindRiver Strategies) & Emergenetics provides an excellent format for organizations—we build on these interactional and relationship-oriented aspects to concentrate on providing results that help businesses operate to their highest potential. Emergenetics augments the work that companies do by providing them the ability to analyze and appreciate their workforce and better capit alize on human assets—whether in terms of
productivity, decision-making, attitudes, or teamwork.

Similar to using Emergenetics on an individualized level, using Emergenetics within an organization is a process that is tried-and-true across industry and specialty. Our programs strengthen the knowledge of and appreciation for each individual’s Emergenetics results while interactively focusing on working with colleagues to increase understanding, efficiency and teamwork. We link the Emergenetics Profile to programs that lead to a facilitated and structured way to approach distinct business issues. Through the lens of Emergenetics theory and concepts, we give organizations the ability to:

•Enhance job satisfaction
•Gain insight into thinking and behavioral preferences
•Mesh personalities to develop the “perfect team”
•Make the “perfect presentation” that connects with an entire audience
•Solve problems creatively
•Manage change
•Enhance interpersonal communications
•Accelerate learning
•Increase productivity
•Develop new leaders
•Broaden horizons and value diversity
•Understand consumers, customers and colleagues.

There are several distinct ways that Emergenetics is presented to an organization—including workshops for teams and entire organizations, retreats and subject-oriented seminars. These programs address the fundamental aspects of Emergenetics,including the brain and neural research that drives our work, the science and research behind the Emergenetics Profile, the specific format and breakdown of the profile, and how to apply the Profile and Emergenetics concepts in daily life.