I am going to repeat the introduction with each submission for those who join the series in midstream. However, let me add a little extra today about affirmations. Most, not all, have a negative drift in how we approach life. That is, if left alone or to our own...
Affirmations are great tools that can help you overcome fear, build your confidence, develop an abundance mind-set (John 10:10) and more. The problem is that many people aren’t sure exactly how to write effective affirmations. Do they always have to be in...
In case you have not thought these thoughts lately…here they are again for your reading and meditation pleasure. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day...
Have you ever held back on doing something because you were afraid of failure? Most people have! Let’s face it; no one likes to fail. None of us likes to feel like we’re ineffective, weak or lacking in any way, and that’s exactly how failure makes us feel. However,...
Have you noticed how many decisions we make out of a belief that something is scarce? We believe (often times) that we do not have enough…money, time, power, influence, talent, skill and well…you name it. Maybe we think we are not handsome or pretty enough. Or, we...